Udayana University (UNUD) is located in the Island of Bali, one of the top world destinations, which makes our location uniquely attractive. The campus for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine itself is located in the heart of Bali's capital, Denpasar. We often refer to this campus of UNUD as Sudirman Campus, due to its precise location in Sudirman street. Sudirman Campus is very green with many big trees surrounding it, which really help adding shade in a hot and humid Bali. Nearby the campus area are excellent coffee and eating places, shopping centers, movies, various entertainment, and recreation places, that students can utilize when they need a break from hectic study schedules. Furthermore, there are also doctor clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, banks, places for rent that are not only comfortable but also affordable. All these factors will help ease the life of students during their study period in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Sudirman Campus also has a quite large parking areas for motorbikes and cars with sufficient safety system.
As for campus facilities, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has comfortable lecture rooms that are equipped with air conditioner, LCD projectors, whiteboards, and good lighting system. Students can also access high-speed internet via free WiFi that is made available by the university. There are also seminar and study rooms that students and faculty members can utilize should there be any meetings, discussions, or practice for talks. Included in the study room is 25 computers with full internet access. There are 4 departments within FKH, namely: department of basic sciences, department of veterinary pathobiology, department of veterinary clinical science, and department of preventive veterinary medicine. We have 15 laboratories that are well-equipped to facilitate students' learning process in those 4 departments. The Faculty often holds national and international seminars that provide resources for everyone to present their research and widen their professional networking. Most importantly, we obtain Accreditation A status from Perkumpulan Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Indonesia (LAMP-PTKes) for both of our programs in Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.LAB
- Laboratorium Biomedik
Visi Universitas Udayana
Terwujudnya perguruan tinggi yang unggul, mandiri, dan berbudaya.
Misi Universitas Udayana
- Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi yang bermutu dan menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki moral/etika/akhlak dan integritas yang tinggi sesuai dengan tuntutan masyarakat lokal, nasional, dan internasional;
- Mengembangkan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sesuai dengan kepentingan masyarakat dan bangsa;
- Memberdayakan Unud sebagai lembaga yang menghasilkan dan mengembangkan pengetahuan, teknologi, dan budaya yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat; dan
- Menghasilkan karya inovatif dan prospektif bagi kemajuan Unud serta perekonomian nasional.
Tujuan Universitas Udayana
- Menghasilkan lulusan bermutu yang memiliki kompetensi tinggi dalam penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni;
- Meningkatkan kapasitas Unud dalam memberikan akses pelayanan pendidikan kepada masyarakat;
- Mengembangkan tata kelola Unud yang sehat melalui optimalisasi peran organ organisasi sesuai dengan prinsip badan layanan umum;
- Menjalin kerja sama di berbagai bidang untuk meningkatkan mutu tridharma perguruan tinggi;
- Menghasilkan penelitian yang bermutu, relevan, dan berdaya saing sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni; dan
- Menghasilkan publikasi ilmiah nasional, internasional, dan kekayaan intelektual untuk kepentingan masyarakat.